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Saturday, January 12, 2008

coming to me senses to blog wat i really to to fulfil in my life this year.. well.. lives been great.. as ever mentioned.. so far so good..

well.. list of wat i want this year..

-do my make over.. this time a real make over.. like wat my frend novwell did.. with differen background and out fit..

- go on holidays.. Taiwan (a most wanted to go place), HongKong.

-save as much money as i can for my future planning and for rainy days.. you nv wat will happen in life.

- pass my driving.. hopefull by this yr.. ben really bz with work and life these days.. kinda neglect it..

- loose more weight den last yr.. properly will eat lesser..

- do my shopping wisely..

hmm guess tt's bout it.. sentosa again tomoro.. pray for good weather..


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