having to hear wedding bells coming nearer for a couple.. whom i got to know last yr.. jus aft the break up.. it was an advanture that i went.. and till now i'm gald to say i went.. cos if it wasn't tt i wouldn't know them and i wouldn't have an eye opening experience about the other side of s'pore.. if it wasn't them i wouldn't walk out of my lonley shadow.. thanks aaron and jamie ( of course the rest of the UE peeps) .. for organising events so i could keep myself busy and walk out of my hell.. thanks for walkin into my life and bring my laughter when we meet.. gald to say i also saw wat love truely means.. and love does exist.. they are jus neat together.. congrats again..
every women longs to have a strong shoulder to lead on for the rest of their lives.. one who can build the pilar of love and holds on till his last breadth.. one who will be there to share the happiest and saddest times. holding on.. I too.. i always believe.. some where in the world there's always someone meant for everyone... because god make us differently to suit everyone.. i do feel lonely sometimes.. and wants to have a trusted shoulder to lead on.. someone who will comfort me in his arms.. i'm nv in the luck with love.. i'm just a normal gal.. dun have high hopes.. but i know i can't rush into love.. i totally believe wat the fortune teller told me about my life this year.. i'm jus gonna pass each day with as much smiles as i could to make me forget about the lonely shadow.. Singelhood could be fun.. It could be lonely too even though i enjoy goin shoppin alone.. and doing some stuff myself... sometimes i will get sick of it..
reachin the age of 22, it's time to get serious with wat i really want in life.. and making it a seriously point to grow up as a real adult.. and building up my future from now.. cos i can't forever jus slag around and not knowing wat to do for the future.. for wat i am now.. i'm jus content.. but this is not enough.. although i'm holding a stable job now.. but somehow.. it's not as reliable as it seems.. the pay is jus low and it may not be able to satify my needs in life.. not thinkin of leavin it.. not because of how grateful i'm towards lorraine.. for teachin me so much also trustin my thoughts and feed back to her.. but when work is work.. i can't stay in a place forever.. i need to get out to the world to explore.. well.. this day will come.. it's not only career.. a woman's happiness is also as impt.. i guess love only come to me when it wants to.. i'll jus hold on with my other single gf.. =)
hmm.. frends are already askin me wat i wan for my b'dae.. and it bring me to have a serious thought of it.. but it's jus a blank screen.. there are so many things that u all have showered me with, with every b'dae celebration i have with all of u.. all i wan is your attedence.. it's more den enough.. if you wan to know the practical stuff.. it's alright.. i can get it myself.. cos it's wat i always wanted.. and every cent will be worth earning for it.. but i won't be suprise getting neckless this yr.. cos everyone knows it's my fave of anything.. i jus wanna reminder you peeps.. dun waste to too much money alright.. if you wan to get.. den get small stuff will do.. erm.. no stuff toys.. i have too many.. dun get bags too.. i have a load.. my mum's havin a headache of the storage already.. haha..

< all time most wanted bag / thing in my life S$1,094.53 >
about the chalet.. i've decided to wear a jumper.. cos i can't find a shorts with a jeans material.. and jumper looks to flashy.. actually still hunting for my party suit.. ahha.. i'll try to look funcky.. cos i'm the host aftall and i wanna look good in every pic i am in.. =P goin to my mum's hair saloon to dye my hair.. cos the current one charge too expensive.. but cutting part i will go back to him.. hahah.. i'm sorry to say this and i dun mean to be not sporting or wat.. but i dun wan anything to be thrown on me for the first day.. i jus wan to hang around and catch up / chill with my frends whom i haven't met for a long time.. and i'm gald to say.. there are more to add to my list..
well. not much to blog.. tata..
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