jus saw cindy's blog about her nephew.. makes me miss my darling nephew..
His name is Jun Han.. this year.. about 5 years old.. A lovable kid.. with much playful personality.. and hundreds of questions for me to answer him when whenever i see him at gram's place.. he would stick to me.. and hold my hand when his mum is busy and i'll be the one chasing him around and grab him back to the dinner table to finish his food. i love playing with him.. he is the one who brings lots of laughter to the family.. and brings slient to noise.. haha.. everyone in the family dotes him lots.. i got to say he's so much luckier den me and my other cousins.. at least he gets to see my gram's as in.. to him, he would call my gram's.. grand great ma.. i mean i didn't have a chance to see my great grandma.. everyone is on look out for him and his processe of growing up.. he's very friendly too.. loves to disturb ppl also.. hehe..
it's been a month since i see him.. so miss him.. hope he come to me chalet.. provided my cousin and cousin in law is not tied with work..
he's like me when i was young.. cannot stop moving around.. haha.. well it's the in blood.. if i got a car.. i would take care of him when my cousin is busy.. i mean i dun mind la.. haha..
here's a clip tt i recorded 2 yrs ago at gram's place on chinese new year.. love him.! and photo of me when i was young.. and with the usual group of cousins.. 2 pass away when i was young.. dearly miss them..

< baby me>

< my baby face will nv change >

< the good old days >
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