wat a day for me.. had much fun.. haha.. was at work as usual in the morn.. wat a peaceful week for me.. not as in no work.. as in nobody pestering me.. haha..
ok.. today.. meet faye first at his work place.. wow.. it's getting busy as days passed.. can see from the crowd when everytime i go there.. hmm no wonder he look so tired very time i meet him.. hey bro.. relax la.. hmm.. actually planned to go beach road to order the satays for the chalet.. but.. due to our laziness and tiredness.. also i was meeting my fren, daphne, for dinner.. as it was her b'dae today.. yeap.. faye and I jus hang around city hall area cos it was easy for both of us to go the places tt we goin aft tt.. ya.. had lunch with him at Magic Wok.. jus across the MRT station.. den we head back to soup Spoon to grab a drink.. a simple meet up today..
hmm.. bro.. have 2 words for u.. Thank you for being my fren.. and sorry.. for wat happend last week.. best frends forever.. =)
ok.. back to my out.. met up with daph at 6.. hang around while waiting for YinHui's arrival.. den all of us met up at 630.. had ice cream for dinner at swensen's... haha.. spent quite a long time there.. den head back to bugis took " Da Tuo Tie" den we went seperate ways... Hui and I head home.. Daph went for the second part of celebration.... i'm so tired now.. so looking for a good rest later..
Well here are the pic we took.. =)

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