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Thursday, August 16, 2007

i guess it's time for me to update my blog before i go on a lil break with my frends and my dear sweetie... got a bit of feed back frm my secretary tan that i'm lagging away frm my updates of my blog..

well... nothing special happen so for.. everyday is the same.. busy as usual at work.. well. things are getting busier each day at work.. more new cases coming..

lookin forward the long planned chalet with my gang of frends... even took leave like last month for this.. i hope it will be fun.. i think it will cos they are fun ppl to hang around with.. jus scared i'll get drunk.. but guess not cos faye has certified me as a drink during last yr's new year.. haha.. right bro?

goin for my prac b4 the event... haha.. i've waited long for my prac.. busy mth.. all the slot beign booked. sad case sweetie will fetch me with a car he rented.. i'm also lookin forward to see sun rise with him..

well.. sweetie..although i've complaint about getting up early.. but frm the bottom of my heart.. i'm excited to see sun rise with u.. u know i dun mean it right?? i know it's all worth it.. i will not waste my time slpin in the car cos i rather spend the time with my eyes open to see u... i'm always waiting for hours and mins to pass everytime aft we part.. so why waste time with my eyes closed.. goin to put these 3 days in our memories of love.. goin to start the album as i promise.. as soon as i buy the pic album.. still lookin around for a nice one.. sorry for slapping u.. haha.. well it was accidental ok.. u punish me also wat.. so we are even now.. i love u dear.. muack...


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