confessions made.. feelings are expressed... affections are felt... i think i see sun rise.. a light tt i've waited for so long.. has shone in me.. and brighten up my world a lil.. all i've said to him it's jus btw us.. and all i want to say is i'm goin slow this time.. he understands.. and i'm gald and thankful..
wat was told to me by my care-takers are nv be forgotten.. it will be in my mind forever..
i'm not blogging much today.. jus got to say i had a great time with these bunch of ppl who has stepped into my life.. i totally enjoy their company.. i was glad i went sentosa with yinhui and daphne.. if it wasn't them i dunno how i goin to spent my weekends.. haha.. thanx u gers.. yiwen.. tim.. & ben i enjoy ur company.. thank you.
yesterday we had our second group outing ... cycling session.. it was planned by me.. haha.. cos it was 3 mths since i cycled.. i was at the front leading with a tim yinhui and another guy.. i dunno his name.. ahha.. nvm.. hey faye.. i was in the first few leading ok.. haha.. so proud of myself.. hmm we cycled in the hot sun.. but it was great.. cos we love the sun.. hha.. we had our rest at bedok jetty.. where we took pic with our hp.. den we cycled to the back half way.. cos we had not much time left.. returned our bikes.. we freshen ourselves up by playing pool.. jus upstairs of the mac.. my gers and i change to a fresh suit aft 2 games of pool.. but to yinhui and my surprise.. we were even better at playing it aft we changed.. haah.. stupid thoery.. took pics too there..
aft tt we had our dinner at a place which i swear i wouldn't step into ever again.. and the place was jus opp his house.. nvm.. the food is nice.. i was actually crossing my fingers praying i won't see him.. thank god.. i didn't.. and tt made my day a happy fulls-stop.. ben.. no. 5.. i won't say anymore bout him..
ok.. here i leave pic we taken.. mostly the gers la.. cos.. wat to do.. we are born to be pretty.. haha

< i like this pic>

< yi & Yi Wen> * hey i take pic with u liao.. dun bugged me anymore.. hahaah :P

< hui Tim & yi > our ITE Counselor.. Senior!!

< while walking to take the bus>

< daph & me >

< Tim and Yi walking the under pass>

< hui and yi.. taken b4 i slept in the bus >

< tel are toking.. daphne stress! haha>

< jus us.. > =)
looking forward to the sentosa trip part 2.. haha.. i know are having sun burn from last last week.. but nvm la.. enjoying ourselves is the most impt..
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