hope everyone's V'day went well.. mine was great.. =)
Took leave for 2 days.. really enjoyed both of it.. and i was fully spent..
For V'day..
Dear came to pick me up at 11am.. he had all planned up of ccourse.. we headed to Vivo for lunch first.. when he came he was empty handed.. cos i expected flower.. well tt's the most impt thing for V'day.. a bit sad but.. dun wanna think more about it.. so i concentrated on songs that were playing in the car.. as soon as we were finding a parking lot in Vivo.. he parked his car at a drak area at one of the corners.. and i ask: "Why parked here so dark.. and so far from the entrance." He jus kept quite. Den aft the was done, he said: "close your eyes.." well i also know wat's going to happen.. it's getting my present.. haha.. hmm.. and yes it was the flowers ( As shown below..) =) den he played a song, and i cried.. well he also got the cute handphone keychains. 2 dolls wearing chinese wedding custumes.. welll.. it was simple but yet sweet.

after which.. we headed off to park at a nearer lot to the entreance and had lunch at the food court.. aft lunch, we drove in to Sentosa, cos we are memebers of the Islander.. a place where we spent our whole aftnoon.. We stopped first at the Underwater world.. there were so many new things there.. the usual small touch pool is still there.. but the new one was, the stingray pool.. of course for sting rays.. SO many of them.. we also can feed them but the food selling by the workers there ws so expensive. well.. aft hanging around the entrance area for 30 mins.. we headed downstaris to see the rest of the underwater animals.. we went to this fortune wheel whihc we had to insert a dollar to see wat's the fortune for us this year.. aft turning for so many rounds.. it ended up on LOVE.. gald thing to say.. we also took a pic at the fortune wheel.. hmm.. though we have read fortune writes in the papers which saying that our fortune are good this year.. and marriage is the best for this year.. it's still very early to tie a knot.. ben and i have a long way to walk before we reach tt time.. and we also have plans b4 that big day.. =)

aft spending 2 hours there. we headed to Dolphine Lagoon.. to catch the show.. wel it was short.. so after that we headed back to Vivo to catch a movie.. Jumper.. didn't really enjoy the show cos the seats we very uncomfortable.. made me headed the show through-out.. so i can't rate it.. well.. i'm not goin back there to watch movie anymore.. aft the movie.. we went to have our dinner.. i was dead hungry.. we have chinese cuisine, Dian Xiao Er for dinner.. it was a long queue before our turn.. but it didn't took long.. and it the services was good.. they took orders while the customers were queueing up.. and but the time we sat at our seats.. food will be jus served at the right time.. tt's something to me not seen at other places.. It was a beautiful day spent.. for our 1st Valentine's day...
The Next day..
We met at 9am.. I took bus to tampines.. it was a very long time ago that i took bus all the way there.. enjoyed it.. cos i had my mp3 with me =) We had breakfast at macdonald's.. den went to UOb to bank in all my Ang Bao money.. got to say this year is the best ang bao collection i had throughout my life time.. hahaah $500++ WOW.. crazy man.. well i worked hard tihs year for visiting.. hha.. ~ aft all that i went to his house.. needed a rest.. he actually had meeting at 12pm.. but dunno wat happend aft the talk to his boos on the fone.. den meeting was over.. WOW.. so fast.. den we catch the earliest moive time at 1210pm.. CJ7.. so cute the animation.. how i wish i could have something like tt.. haha.. aft movie we had lunch.. den headed to tampines courts to buy a standing fan for my mum.. cos it was spoit.. yup.. had planned to go fishing.. so went giant to buy prawn for the bait..
we drove to Punggol End for Fishing.. it was rather Ulu if u dunno that.. cos i never knew tt there's such a place.. it was like a jungle at the entrance.. all trees and bushes around.. but over at the other end it the sea.. wow. so beautiful.. the wind was strong.. beautiful scenary.. spent about 3-4 hours there.. and only caught a very small fish.. i didn't got off the car.. cos there were 2 stray dogs walking here and there.. and i only got of the car when the are slping or running far away from us.. haah.. i love dogs but stray dogs u have to be careful..

aft all the fishing.. we went to the country club near by.. well.. i also didn't know there was a country club in punggol.. how cool is tt.. this club rents our yatch or boats.. haha.. we had seafood for dinner tt day.. aft that went to his house...
yesterday was another day of fun and expolring.. went to the night safari.. with Yiwen, Tim,. Daphne, Yinhui, Novwell, Weiji + Gf and a new memeber edwin..
didn't took much pic.. cos we were not allowed to on our flashes.. so tt's the only thing tt was wasted.. well.. nvm.. cos i dun want to scare the animals and kana eaten by them.. haha..
wow.. i played so much.. 3 days in a row.. so xiong.. better get myself working and save more money for the osaka trip in september.. =) osaka wait for me....