Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
gone to attend kenn'y wedding yesterday. yes.. i saw many familiar faces.. and i also saw jackson.. hmm.. i was nervous of course.. but aftall i was better.. cos i have dear with me.. well.. he has grown more matured i guess appereance wise.. we didn't talk but.. according to dear he was lookin at our direction and kinda like staring.. well.. to me.. i guess he have given me blessings.. didn't see his gf.. he was sitting alone with other ppl.. proberly nv come which i think is impossible.. or another possibility is they broke off.. well.. watever it is.. i'm blessed.. and i wish him the best too..
also went fishing with dear.. which i made a choice either jogging or fishing.. haha ben was surprise i choose fishing.. wahah.. and i enjoyed it.. esp at the Tanah Merah Canal.. the breeze was great.. and i can see planes flying and landing.. yup is jus nxt to the airport.. We caught a Sting Ray.. yeepie.. tt's our first catch of the day.. it didn't even took 10mins.. wahaha.. of course we took pic of it.. everyone was like surrounding us.. we were like superstars.. ha ha.. a malay uncle helped us to cut the tail of it as it was poisonous.. and put it in our so called container.. but a sad case was it was pregnent.. we didn't knew at first.. until 5 mins later.. when i was playin with it.. i saw 2 babies coming out from her womb.. it took it's last 2 breadth and left the world.. i almost cried.. it's like i killed a life.. oh my.. so sad.. of course the babies didn't had a chance to live.. it died aft 10mins.. haiyo.. fishing is fun but is sad too.. well.. i said a prayer and gave moment of slience.. rest in peace sting ray..

today i'm goin Snow City.. haha.. will take pic too.. am still excited about the count down it's TOMORROW! Yeah PARTY TIME!!!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
it's the time of the year again to recap of what has been goin on for me in 2007. well.. got to say it's been quite a fruitful year for me.
Jan - was a mth that i got busy with my chalet with faye.. running in and out if aloha jus to get a glims of the feel when it's officaily the date.. haha.. too free i guess... craked our heads for the food.. decorations.. invitation list etc.. oh i didn't forget.. faye jasmin adrian and i play our hearts out for new year.. really enjoyed it...
Feb- enjoying my single life to the fullest.. hanging out with my dad.. which i really miss.. cos he will tell me diff facts in life and i could really learn from there... i guess he's my greatest inspiration in life... he's a great man who will nv forgive to whom it shall not be forgiven.. i guess my behaviour is all the same as him. he loves singing.. and tt infulences me too.. hmm as early as the age of 4.. yup! it's true..
as i was sayin i was enjoying my single life.. yup goin in and out of CCK to min up with jasmin.. jus love hanging out with faye and jasmin.. 3 of us.. they can nv fail to make me laugh.. wahaha and yes.. i started to got back in contact with yinhui and daphne.. it was great...
March - had cycling trip with SUE ppl.. which faye took a video of my talkin rubbish... which i didn't know.. thanx leh... den also had sentosa trips with jasmin and faye.. i also have video for tt id you wanna watch.. yup and we got back in track for the chalet... a preview of the invitation list.. gettign too excited for tt.. hahaa.. not forgetting BSB fever month
April - nv fail to have the chalet excitment.. haha.. craked our heads again.. had cycling trip with jasmin and i got my new hamster.. which the current one i'm having nw.. his name is Boey.. also not forgetting.. it was Aaron and Jamie's big day..
May - yes the tt month.. my chalet.. i'm gald to have it cos i really enjoyed it.. with all my frends and family with me.. once again.. thankyou for making possible... had a great tym esp with faye and adrian around.. apart from makin cry the last time badly cos from Sharil ( who keeps talin about jackson) everything was great.. faye adrian jasmin Mafia Alive ( with the action) haha
also did blog abotu my childhood days.. had some pic of tt too.. totally enjoyed my single life.. everyday was so fruitful... kor kor thanx for ur sparkling heart.. hah it was beautiful..
June - something miricel happen to me.. something that i acutally have given hope on.. but he came along to pick me up from darkness and shone a light in my life which has never fade.. i've found my love.. i can nv be more thankful to god den leading his way to mine.. i'm glad i went sentosa if not there won't be us nw.. dear.. am i right? hahaa
hmm june was a crazy month.. but i love it.. cos everything was made possible in that mth.. now i have another occassion to celebrate.. tt's ben and my anniversary.. =)
July - cancelled the phone line of jackson's.. aftall the waiting.. yup.. but puppy love was in the air for ben and I ahh.. well it will nv fail..
Aug - December.. sweet love.. enjoyed every moment of life. esp with benny.. not frogetting he got his car in September..
this coming 2008.. I have nothing much to hope for.. still workin on for my driving.. kinda lack this days.. cos been quite lazy.. jus hope everyone around me lives happily and healthily... of course to stay pretty.. simple right this yr.. haha.. tt's it.. Happy 2008! i'll be partyin at sentosa this yr.. looking forward to tt.. cheers!
Monday, December 24, 2007
back from my trip very relaxed now.. enjoyed it.. i'm proud to say.. we didn't lost at all.. haha.. it was very contected.. everyone bought lots of stuff.. except me.. i bought a bit.. cos i went like last mth with lorraine.
i'm tired.. apart frm work jus now.. yup half day off for the first tym for christmas.. well.. learning frm grace.. let the pic do the job.
1st Day... had the Long lost A&W for Lunch.. had it while waiting for our rooms to be cleaned up..

Hotel Swiss Garden

legendary Root Beer FLoat!
aft we checked in.. took a rest for a while ande headed off for our shoppin..we were too tired to cover 3 places as planned.. so we only went the famous night market which i will never fail to go for my very visit. Chee Chiong Gai better known in English the Malaysia's Chinatown. (waiting for Dahpne to send the night market pic) so i'll skip this first.. but before tt, we have our opening dinner at a steam boat resturant opened by singaporeans.. it's jus opposite our hotel..

pot of flower tea tt we ordered

boys > Kevin Gallen Benny

Gers> Me Daphne and Yinhui

6 of us at the Steam Boat Returant.
Day 2...
Dear and i got up at 730am.. cos we wanted to go the Business Centre to check our Office email.. yes we are on holidays but we never forget our work.. aft breakfast.. we went to Sungai Wang, BB Plaza, Lot 10 and Mid Valley.. Yes.. Crazy Shoppin day.. we even went back to the Night market again tt night. Pics to show. again daphne left out some pics.. arhg.... the carb tt we ate.. it's beautifully cooked and displayed.. well.. pls send!!

while walkin we took pictures..

while waiting for kevin stuff to be wrapped.. the guys played with the pen tt were shaped in cigar and cigarrets..
oh.. i did medi and pedicure jus $70 ringgit for both.. WOW! cheap xia..

another group pic tt we took while waiting for the hotel transfer to fetch us to chinatown..
ok i'm done for now.. will re-amend this blog.. cos i realise quite a bit of pic not sent yet.. stay tuned..
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
ok.. it's wat i've been waiting for.. the kl trip with gallen, kevin, yinhui, daphne and not forgetting my sweetest bf.. benny.. i hope it'll be an enjoyable one..
watch alvin and the chipmunks yesterday before meet them for dinner at pepper lunch... yea i enjoyed the show.. and it's also what i've been waiting for.. haha.. i jus love Theodore.. not jus yesterday but when i watch the cartoon since i was young.. he's jus so cute.. haha..
nothing much to update.. but will update when i'm back to singapore.. tc peeps
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Lonestar - Amazed
Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
Ive never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams
I dont know how you do what you do
Im so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby Im amazed by you
The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh it feels like the first time every time
I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes
I dont know how you do what you do
Im so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby Im amazed by you
Every little thing that you do
Im so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Oh, every little thing that you do
Baby Im amazed by you.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Well.. it's time to blog about the happenings around me..
lives been great for me so far.. been really bz last week preparing myself to my best for a wedding that i attended with dear ( which was sunday).. it was his colleague's wedding.. i got to say it was sweet and simple.. The food was simple too.. which is good cos it suits everyone taste.. esp mine.. cos i'm sweet and simple too.. (wahahah) .. aft the wedding his boss ask all agetns to stay back so a toasting ceremony.. got home quite late.. and i finally got to meet his colleagues one was Chole.. nice ger.. she sat beside me and we started chatting a bit.. haha.. den the st gab's guy terrence tt argued with me over the fone once when i was talkin to dear. hahah.. and his big boss of course.. But the day before (sat), I went facial and also attended a chalet with dear.. it was his cousin's b'dae.. guess wat it's jus 2 houses away from the one tt i had this yr.. oh how i miss Oreo 15( or was it 16).. BRO!!! wat is the number? haha.. oh i forgot to mention i dyed my hair voilet red.. under the light u can see purple.. haha.. how cool is tt..
hmm the weekdays was great too.. caught 2 movies.. Enchanted and The Heartbreak kid( which realeases yesterday) it was a bit from RA for some parts but other den tt i find it quite ok.. Enchanted was great too.. a fariy tale which in the end wasn't so fairy tale.. but still has the happily ever aft ending.. both are great shows.. more movies coming up.. i'm still on the waiting list to watch Alvin and the chipmunks.. coming 13 Dec..
i'm excited too.. for my up coming KL trip.. with gallen kevin yinhui daphne and my dearest.. 6 of ur exploring KL together.. heard my mum said they having riots there.. kinda scary but i guess we are in the city.. nothing will happen ba.. pray for us pls.. I'm goin to the temple aft work nxt week to pray..
glad to hear grace is back.. hey let's have dinner soon.. it's been mths since 4 of us catch up.. and jasmin is goin for her 1 mth break.. she organising new years eve party together.. like the one last yr.. we gathered at the pub nxt to kor kor's hotel.. drink and go crazy there.. dunno la.. up to her to plan.. well ger.. i'll be there.. cos i miss u! and of course i miss faye and adrain..
lives is full of suprises.. full of saddness and happines.. but life is short to live.. living it to the fullest is what make one feel happines.
It's easy to fall in love.. but it's a techique to manage it..
Dear.. i jus figured out these sentence.. i would like to say sorry if i made any difficulties for you so far.. i'm still learning... i know sometimes i maybe a pain.. i'm sorry about it.. suddenly i feel very low.. i duno why.. dear.. maybe we have been thinkin too much and talkin about the plans for the future.. time has the answer to fulfil our dreams together.. i will be willing to walk thru with u..