ok it's goin to be one long blog for this post.. it's about what's i'm busy with for the pass 3 days.. it's a happy one.. cos i spent it with my 3 darlings..
21 Feb 20071st day @ work aft a long break.. hmm office seems quiet.. tt's a good sign.. all the other offices were close and only ours open.. DOTS!.. hmm it's good la.. cos the we gers dun need to queue for the toilet.. and most impt there is peace.. was let off early due to the quietness.. left work @ 530pm.. met up with my gers.. as planned we had steam boat for dinner (grace suggestion) we went to this stall which cindy and i went b4.. the one @ bugis.. we had 2 choices for the soup.. and we chose one which is i think chicken soup and the other was Ma La.. the aunty was askin " Ni men yao Da, Jong, Xiao ( the level of spicyness)" and 4 of us happily replied her.. "Zhong".. the pot came.. and guess wat.. the spicy soup.. was filled with so thick layer of oil.. OH me! aft we dump the food in.. and we also tested the spicy soup.. you can feel the numbness and the hotness.. we didn't tot the "Zhong" was so spicy.. nvm.. we were sweating and sniffing all the way.. haha.. so funny.. oh ya.. there's a papa roach which join us for the dinner.. i heard the small ger tellin her mum that there was a papa roach crawling.. imm.. cindy and i stood up.. and ran behind grace and tania who were sitting the other side of the table.. well, everyone was lookin.. but i dun care.. it's a papa roach.. okay.. the drama lasted about 15mins.. den we went back to our seats.. i was happily eatin again.. but lifting my legs slighty not to touch the floor in case it comes back.. hha.. ok aft tt hello kitty came.. a cat.. hai.. again.. something which made me freak out..but it was guai enough to go one corner aft awhile.. aft tt all of us were full.. and all had the same feelin in the stomach.. hot... numb.. spinning.. and burning.. now you know how hot was tt..we went to the loo in bugis. the one which i always go.. cos very little ppl go tt one.. haha.. we took pic in the toliet.... look!

< modles in the toliet>
ya.. aft tt we went yoshinoya to chit chat.. den left at around 9+..
22 Feb 2007hmm.. it's a day to say bye bye to grace.. cos she's flyin back to Auzi.. b4 tt the flight was 25.. i think.. hmm ya.. i reached home at 645.. i tried to get on the earliest bus when i reach the bus stop.. yes.. just nice.. 133 came aft 2 mins.. wahaha.. had a quick dinner.. wash my snowy's cage.. washed & dressed up.. left my home at bout 755.. took a short walk to cindy's house.. up the hill.. haha.. y her house? cos she's drving us to the airport to set gracie off.. tania reached at bout 820.. den we left aft tt at bout 830.. b4 goin to the air port.. we took a short car ride to see our primary school.. cos we haven't seen it aft the renovation.. the 1st to me was.. WOW! it looked so grand.. and so huge.. before it was renovated.. i was like a small lil cosy house.... and now.. it's like a castel... oh me! we didn't see really enough.. so cindy decided to go the other way.. which we can over look the school from the hill.. a full view inside of the school.. and i can tell you it was a double WOW la.. they have 2 courts.. which is 3 times the old ones.. there are 2 entry gates.. a security guard.. oh my.. so fortunate these kids now.. but.. the same tot.. we still prefer the old building.. the old garden.. it was small.. but cosy..

< my kampong school about 13 yrs ago>
ok den we set off to the airport.. on the highway.. we were listenin to 933.. was a day.. playin so many times jay's songs.. wahaha.. i counted.. 3.. ok one funny incident.. we were on the expressway already.. at i think kallang.. there was these car.. which was signallin to turn right.. but as the exit gets nearer on the left.. it imm turn left.. but leaving the turning right light on.. i was like.. wat the hell.. and we startin laughin.. hahaah.. ok ppl make mistakes. so ok.. we reached the airport @ 915.. sat at burger King.. den waited for the princess to come.. she was there @ 1030.. talk a bit with my majesty.. her dad & mum.. and bit with her frends.. too pics.. den it was time for her to check in.. as we walked nearer.. words seems to get lesser.. exchanged hugs.. and it was time for her to go in.. can see from her eyes she didn't bear to go.. but she has to.. tears were the answer.. ya.. i didn't cry.. cos i dun wan to let her leave with sadness.. yup.. we drove off to bedok.. a place of history.. for my chapter.. hmm we actually went one big round as there was no exit to Bed-ok.. lucky thing i always take bus 14 with jack's son(jackson) just follow the route.. and wah la..! we found where we wanted to go.. cindy and her dad exchange seats.. and we send tania off first.. i'm next.. got home at 1255.. wash up and went str8 to bed..
today nothign much.. aft a long day.. met up with my 2 gers.. for movie.. watched the show.. jack neo one.. Follow By Law.. something like tt la.. haha.. we sat the 4th row from the front.. well. my neck hurts aft the show.. haha.. nvm la.. cos it was fully booked any way.. oh i'm so sleepy now aft typin so much.. thank you for reading..another long day tomoro.. celebratin my dad's b'dae.. yeepie! goin beach road for dinner.. get my hands red!