BSB Fever- Kevin as man as ever.. Nick asa cute as ever.. Brian as handsome as ever.. A.J as rock as ever.. Howdy as guai guai style as ever.. ah doi.. so many to load.. ahha.. you all ownself find.. the are one boyband who can really sing..
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
staring at the screen for a moment now.. aft reading bro's blog.. i shedded into tears again.. bout yesterday.. the tone of her voice and her reaction of me with bro.. it was.. shockin and disappointin i guess.. aft the lunch and heart to heart chat with bro.. i suggested to go china town to get party stuff.. jus to make myself not to think too much.. but in my mind.. was all the worries for none other den the other part of the family.. msged her to have lunch at first... well to me 3+ is lunch cos i haven't eaten since morning.. no reply.. nvm.. i tot she was still at work.. so i didn't disturb her with another msg.. when bro called her.. she said she was walkin home.. we were waiting for you.. do you know tt..?
it's still buggin me.. of wat did i do to make you suddenly have this kinda actions towards me.. i even suggested to bro at china town to go your place even though i was mad.. cos i tot u needed us there to keep you accompained.. but aft the msg you said.. have a tot for others.. i was.. wat the hell.. i really wanna say your name here.. i mean really wat have i done? i'm clear conscience.. i treated you like my own sister.. i dun wan any returns.. but i dun deserve this treatment from you.. coldnest out of the blue.. I didn't complain about anything bout your latenest.. nv did i say a single word.. when you are late for our appointment.. did i say tt to your face? no.. i still ask you, how r u.. and stroke ur hair..
about the chalet.. i tot you were very keen and excited too.. cos you said you want a chalet of your own too.. but i guess.. you are not now.. nothing is goin to change even if you back off.. plans will still go on.. i wouldn't blame you if you were shocked bout the amount that bro told you.. it was all jus estimations.. but now.. it's not even tt amount.. you dun even need to fork out tt much.. well wat ever.. it's not about the money anymore.. all it matters now.. is YOU being there..
it hurts to see u being called a bitch.. come on.. our family member being called a bitch.. tt's the last thing in the dictionary we wan it to happen.. it hurt us too do you know tt.. how long do you wanna avoid us. if it's wasn't for you own good.. he wouldn't have been so frank to u.. we dun hide anything to each other.. and tt's wat a true pal or fren is.. pls dun get the wrong impression .. i dun wan this or anything or even anyone to spoil the closenest tt we 3 are having.. baby.. call us.. the doors and our arms are always here for you wide opened.. this song is for you
Friday, March 23, 2007
my fave song frm ayumi hamasaki.. she's the only japanese singer i idolise.. she's pretty.. i think nobody can have he mv like she had.. shan can make up in to so many kinda character.. as chinese say.. qian bian nu lang.. lover her.. and her mv.. more to load here..
- Voyage-
- M -
Monday, March 19, 2007
wow.. wat a tiring and enjoyable day at sentosa.. the pic tells it all.. vidz coming up..

< fav pic with min.. in the tram.. we are still excited>

< pretty min >

< crazy faye >

< promoting for S.D.B >

< foot massage _ living in harmony>

< flower ger >

< FIRE! >

< starting to be tired >

< ice cream ? >

- Jusmin being pretty -
- A walk to the bitch.. sorry beach -
- A tribute to Ah Cheng .. Only carlton ppl will know -
- Our host me talkin rubbish -
Sunday, March 18, 2007
finally got the dates up with bro for when to buy stuff for the chalet.. and also finally get to catch up with jasmin this week.. and yes.. tomoro is a play hard day.. and yup got the final list for the invitation for the chalet is out here is the names.. pls do come and join in the fun and a celebration for my b'dae.. thank you. Party as said starts 730pm on Sunday 27 May 2007. You'll be receiving and invitation and a reminder nxt month and once again in may.. looking forward to see all of you there.
- My Fellow Friends -
Cindy Tania Grace Pek Gek Shiya Kiyoko Sini Pearlyn Charmaine
Charlene Yinhui Daphne YanQing MuiKeng Miss Teh
Aaron Jamie Dave Anna Roy Haikal ah9 Chris Ayim Eric
Sara Chris.T Josephine Donny Eugene
Adrian (must come) Imran (must come) Farah Ganesan Nick Charmaine Rasul
Rashidee Jackson Kath Jessica
Kenny Tracy Meiling Lorraine Meimei Yumei Kelson Novwell
Umar Mazalan
Saturday, March 10, 2007

To All who are in my Invitation List for the early celebration of my b'dae the chalet is finally confirm the here is the information... If you are in plans to sabo me.. pls remember to bring extra clothes to change.

* guest list is not complete.. you received the link of my blog or msg or email.. means you are invited..

*pls click on the pic to have a better view.
Bus : take bus 354 @ Pasir Ris bus interchange
DRIVE ALL THE WAY IN TO THE END. No worries with parking
pls do come and enjoy the day out.. feel free to call me or faye for any assistance.
see ya!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Bardot - Posion
Bardot - I Need Somebody
Bardot - Love Will Find A Way
This is one good band tt i really enjoy a few of their songs..
BBMak - Ghost Of You And Me
BBMak - Back Here
Still on your side- BBMAK
hmm.. wat a day.. something i notice.. i was happier this week.. maybe b'cos my work load was at last shared by someone.. yes my boss employed a new staff.. she's the same age me.. apart of her stayin at bedok tt somehow annoys me.. about tt area.. she well quick learner.. just tt sometimes forgets stuff. well.. apperence calm.. guai.. but when we get closer each day.. can see her true colours.. she start naggin bout work.. haha.. 3 of us gets along well la.. so fast.. ahha.. great.. :) hmm.. so many to blog about work.. about papa roach.. my boss brother.. who has always been annoying me since day one.. and has nv change.. i typed a letter with bro to submit to my boss.. but it's still in my hands.. i dunno when to tell her.. really annoyed with him invading my life.. and it's kinda haressing me.. in some ways la.. tt's all i gotta say.. well.. for my safety.. i'll tell my boss soon.. no worries peeps.. i'm not easily bullied....
Sunday.. cycling was fun.. rented the bike from the same shop when it was the time with jasmin.. cycled for 2 hours.. and had a light snack at BK.. den headed home.. here's the clip of me cycling.. and i was talkin about bad luck.. cos of 2 black cats.. and pic pic we took not many cos we were busy on our cycling journey..

*dave is takin the pic..
yesterday.. earth quake day.. my office building was actually shakin lor.. it was so serious.. that my clients who were there all left in seconds.. the tv was shaking ans we was heard a loud banging sound.. tot was someone doing renovation tryin to break the wall.. but i wasn't. aft yumei bring up the letters.. lorraine called and ask us to leave the building.. at the same time did evacuation of the office... meimei.. knocked on every door of the client. i worte a note to tell clietns to call my boss for anything.. my level was cleared.. only the office nxt to us was lookin at wat was happening.. so damm la.. was if the buildin was goin to collapse.. they goin to die there first lor.. stupid.. well i mean you nv know wat will happened.. lorraine told us to go for lunch and to return back by 2.. so we did.. when we got back.. aft a few mins.. we felt the shake again.. once again all my clients came out.. and guess wat.. lorraine didn't feel anything.. Oh My god! my boss! i was like wat the hell.. everyone can feel it lor.. and she only say i feel dizzy tt's all.. *smack heads! sped up with our work.. all the way.. did stop.. i was attending 2 clients at one time.. well not the first time.. cos i'm a public relation in the office.. see clients.. hai.. well i llike tt cos i dun need to ans calls.. ahha..
today was so smooth.. same thing everday.. yumei i gettin the hang of the work.. now she can automatic do things and.. haha.. ah lian pattern come out.. all the $$#%#$% comes out.. like meimei.. lorraine and me.. loud when no clients in the office.. haha.. hmm.. was suppose to go KL this weekend.. but was cancelled.. due to my aunt's church programm.. stupid.. all my hopes for shoppin gone down the drain.. andi took off already lor for friday.. wasted my leave.. shit man.. well.. just take the leave.. goin to sleep later .. den go for my assigment of the day..
oh yes.. also brought my dear to the vet.. he's kinda sick.. walkin more to the left side.. the vet say it might have fell in the cage while playin and hurt himself.. his fur is droppin and kinda sticky.. and oily on the skin.. givin him medicain everyday.. had to force him.. cos he's always running away from it.. hmm goin to observe him for a week.. if his balance gets worst.. he needs to start on a medication programm soon to cure tt.. but he's still as active as ever.. eating well.. goin to spend lots of time with him.. Snowy.. get well soon alright.. i love you.. :P
Saturday, March 03, 2007
one proud thing i did today.. finally got my hair red.. a really obvious red.. ahha so happy.. hmm i sat the the saloon for 5 hours.. can you imagine.. but nvm la.. the stylist are always entertaining me with diff subjects.. haha.. i was there from daylight.. sunny so sunny.. den rain was pouring so heavily and the night came.. body was achin when they were puting the conditioner and all.. hah here is the pic of my hair.. wahahaha.. happy!