wat a day yesterday..
had lots of fun at sentosa.. it nv fail in fact.. met up with dear who came to my house to pick me up.. and we had breakfast at central b4 meeting up with the rest.. reached harbourfront at 935.. net up with novwell and jimmy.. den we headed to Toast Box to meet up with daphne, gallen, kevin and morris.
we were shoppin around cos it was raning.. dear and i rent dvd again.. yup.. den we headed in to sentosa aroun 11+ when the rain stopped.. but b4 tt novwell and i bought shades at FOrever 21.. which dear was shaking his head when i was at the cashier.. hahaa. yup i nv fail to shop even for the cheapest thing. * peace!
we went in to sentosa tagged along with Tim, Yiwen and one of thier frend.. Hui Shan.. at sentosa.. dear and i went for our usual walks and join the rest back with games and suntanning at 2pm.. yinhui joined us at 230pm and games were started...
we play wacko first which lasted about 30mins.. which made all of us blur and laughed so much.. team work game was nxt.. Dog & bone.. and lastly captain's ball which made all of us pantting like dogs.. tired! went to shower and head to the nxt destination.. STEAM BOAT!!
kath came with us for dinner.. eat quite alot.. play pool and billard.. and headed home all shagged at 1130..
i admit i had lots of fun.. esp with my good frends and my sweetie around by my side.. here are the pics we took.. sorry.. didn't take our gang pic again.. nvm la.. weiqiang missin.. it won't be a fmaily pic w/out him.. ahha